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Welcome to the Faserinstitut

The Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. (FIBER) is a successful research institute for the development of high performance composites, production technologies, fiber development, quality assurance as well as material development and characterization. Take a look around.


Awarded as a “familienfreundlicher Betrieb” (family-friendly company) 

At the end of 2019, we were awarded the “excellent family-friendly” seal (further information can be found here). By continuously developing a family-friendly corporate culture, the Faserinstitut aims to strengthen the compatibility of work, family and private life for all employees, also in order to be an attractive employer now and in the future.





Gender equality


Copyright: Header-Picture 1: Harald Rehling / Universität Bremen, Header-Picture 2: Baumwollbörse Bremen, Header-Picture 3: ECOMAT/Raveling