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Material modelling, component and process simulation

In the competence field simulation, material modelling as well as components and process simulation are carried out. The process simulation capabilities reflects FIBRE’s portfolio in the field of manufacturing technologies. An important feature of the research is not only the ability to independently generate input data, e.g. through test benches for material properties, but also the possibility of in-house validation of simulation results through sensorised processes. Structural mechanics studies on crash and sandwich structures, both simulative and experimental, have also been a focus for many years. The investigation and modelling of material behaviour under cryogenic conditions is being consistently developed further with the strong support from the new cryo-laboratory.

  • Material and simulation/AI models, e.g. for
    • TPC- welding
    • Curing, distortion
    • Winding, AFP
    • Cryogenic applications
    • Textile permeability and injection moulding
  • In-house validation and input data generation (e.g. permeability)
  • Structural mechanics of crash and sandwich structures