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Modelling and Simulation

The Competence Field Modeling and Simulation concentrates on the topics of process and component simulation. Many topics are closely related to the competence field of structural design and manufacturing technologies. By looking at the processes with the aid of a virtual process chain and the design using innovative materials and manufacturing processes, new types of fiber composite components can be optimally researched.

Virtual Manufacturing

Our goal is to track a component along its entire production chain using numerical methods. In industrial applications, production processes are often developed on the basis of experience and craftsmanship as well as complex test series. These costly development processes can be significantly reduced through the targeted use of simulation methods. By characterizing and modelling the material and process parameters, a knowledge-based approach can be developed. Research activities in this area include:

  • Draping and forming simulation
  • Infusion and injection moulding simulation
  • Hardening and default analysis
  • Computational fluid dynamics for autoclaves

Innovative Lightweight Design

In structural mechanics, the focus is on crash / impact and sandwich structures. In this case, different fiber composite structures, such as crash tubes and pin-reinforced foams, considered. The aim is to develop design methods for crash and impact tolerant structures and to transfer this approach to industrial applications. The research activities in this area include:

  • Innovative design methods (overmolding, impact, crash)
  • Material modeling (creeping, failure)